The Book of Mormon testifies of Christ and Nephi makes a powerful contribution to that central message. He bears his testimony and teaches us how we can create communities of Christ in our homes.
Yea, behold I say unto you, that as these things are true, and as the Lord God liveth, there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved. (2 Nephi 25:20)
Only Jesus can save us. And our families can only be saved, bound, and exalted by teachings and redemption of Jesus. Consider Nephi’s wise example.
And we talk of Christ, we rejoice in Christ, we preach of Christ, we prophesy of Christ, and we write according to our prophecies, that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins. (2 Nephi 25:26)
Let’s consider each part of Nephi’s inspired example.
We Talk of Christ.
Years ago, I had the opportunity of serving as a bishop. In our very first bishopric meeting, one of the counselors asked me for a theme for the next sacrament meeting. I told him that I had the next year of topics planned. He was impressed. I told him that the next Sunday, I would like to have the speakers talk about the ways the love, teachings, example, and atonement of Jesus Christ had changed their lives. The Sunday following I wanted the speakers to talk about the ways the love, teachings, example, and atonement of Jesus Christ had changed their lives. The next Sunday I wanted the speakers to talk about the ways the love, teachings, example, and atonement of Jesus Christ had changed their lives.
You might wonder whether the sacrament meetings became repetitive. They did not. Each person has a unique encounter with Jesus and His grace. Each has a unique story of redemption to tell.
Not only our sacrament meetings, but our family scripture study, our dinnertime conversations, and our Come, Follow Me lessons can focus on the times we have spotted Christ blessing us and those around us.
We Rejoice in Christ.
When we gather our family for dinner on the Sabbath, it is our custom to have each family member share their best experience of the day. Emily might tell of an inspiring talk. Andy might tell of a great priesthood lesson. Sara often tells of being inspired by the sacrament. Nancy tells of her love for a dear sister.
One Sabbath I tried to describe to the family the miracle I had seen earlier in the day when a discouraged, humble, even desperate, ward member sought counsel from me as her bishop. As I described the miracle I had seen as this woman received hopeful counsel that was wiser than I knew how to give, my voice caught, my eyes filled, and joy ran down my face. My tears were my testimony of an incomprehensibly redemptive Savior. Each member of the family, having also felt to sing the song of redeeming love, joined his or her testimony to mine with joyous tears.
We can create opportunities to rejoice in Christ together.
We Preach of Christ.
We have covenanted that we will “stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that [we] may be in” (Mosiah 18:9). When we witness a beautiful landscape, we can testify to our children, “The heavens proclaim the glory of God. The skies display his craftsmanship” (Psalms 19:1, NLT) Our prayers can be filled with humble gratitude for His watchful care. We also preach of Christ when we acknowledge heavenly goodness in family members. Maybe our most important preaching is the way we earnestly strive to follow His example.
We Prophesy of Christ.
Most of us do not imagine that we are called to prophesy. Indeed, it is not our role as rank-and-file members of the Church to announce the Second Coming of the Lord. But it is our role, even our obligation, to announce His coming into our own lives.
When friends or family members feel burdened and worried, we can prophesy of Christ. We can testify that, as much as we love that person, we know that Jesus loves them infinitely more. We can testify that He paid a price so that He can rescue our souls and patch up our everyday injuries. We can prophesy that He will heal and renew them.
Family members can be encouraged to reach out to Christ while they are out riding a bike or cleaning up the breakfast dishes or walking home from school or driving to get groceries or whenever they want to talk with a friend. We can prophesize that Jesus will be there. He is glad to accompany each of us through every part of our lives. By simply turning our minds to Him, our hearts are filled with loving, redemptive joy.
And We Write According to Our Prophecies
Each week as I sit to write a letter to our family members near and far, I wonder whether I can eke out of my notes of the week anything meaningful. But I faithfully sit at the computer and start to write. As I write, I discover unnoticed miracles and patterns of blessings. By the time I finish writing of the week, I am overwhelmed with awe. “How could God have blessed us so perfectly?”
Whether we write in letters, in journals, in essays, or in the “fleshy tables of the heart” (2 Corinthians 3:3), we write so “that our children may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” We keep a record by the words we speak, the art we choose, the stories we write, and the deeds we do. All these things declare our conviction that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the Living God.
Then, we can share those blessings and convictions with members of our families and others, so that “our children [spouse and others] may know to what source they may look for a remission of their sins.” He is our ultimate hope. He rescues us from fallenness and failings. He will change us and change our family members.
I like to carry Jesus with me. I regularly have the words of Alma 36:18 in my pocket and on my heart: “O Jesus, thou Son of God, have mercy on me.” Many times each day I chant Alma’s words. I am a better disciple as a result of that frequent and earnest plea for divine help with subduing the natural man. We can tell that the Word is taking hold within our hearts when we instinctively interpret all of life through His purposes and we instinctively trust Him in time of need.
Nephi is right:
Yea, behold I say unto you, that as these things are true, and as the Lord God liveth, there is none other name given under heaven save it be this Jesus Christ, of which I have spoken, whereby man can be saved. 2 Nephi 25:20
We can fill our hearts and our families with His good news. We can feel His redemptive love as we follow Nephi’s counsel.
If you are interested in applying gospel principles and research discoveries to having greater happiness, a better marriage, and more effective parenting, get a copy of my newest book, Discoveries: Essential Truths for Relationships—available at Deseret Book or Amazon. You might also get one for a friend or family member!
Thanks to Barbara Keil for her insightful refinements of this article.
Parts of this article are adapted from my introduction to My Soul Delighteth in the Scriptures, 1999, Bookcraft.
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